Mounting Tripod

The Mounting Tripod (DAVIS-7716) is used for mounting the Meteorological Sensor Suite.

Mounting Tripod 

The Mounting Tripod is used for mounting the Integrated Sensor Suite

The tripod is made of galvanized steel with brackets located at the base of the legs that tilt, making it easy to mount on a roof or uneven terrain. The Mounting Tripod (DAVIS-7716) is used for mounting the Integrated Sensor Suite. The tripod is made of galvanized steel with brackets located at the base of the legs that tilt, making it easy to mount on a roof or uneven terrain.

It consists of two masts of 0.92 meters long each that can be assembled together to form a single mast of 1.77 meters long. The base of each leg can be tilted to mount the tripod in all kinds of locations, such as roofs or uneven terrain

Tripod Assembly

1- Unfold the tripod so the three feet on the tripod legs are flat on the ground.
2- Thread a hex nut almost all the way onto all six of the 5/16" bolts.
3- Insert one of the 5/16" bolts into the hole in vertical stop plate
4- Insert the 5/16" bolt with vertical stop plate into one of the holes in the tripod's lower bracket and thread a square nut onto the end of the bolt, on the inside of the bracket.
5- Repeat this procedure for the remaining 5/16" bolts. Place them into the holes in both the top and bottom tripod brackets, threading a square nut on the end of each bolt.
6- Insert the long extension tube into the tripod, sliding it through the brackets. The vertical stop plate should keep the tube from sliding all the way through.
7- Secure the extension tube by tightening the square and hex nuts on the 5/16" bolts until the bolts hold the tube in place securely.
8- Apply pitch pads to the bottom of each foot.

Mounting Tripod

The tripod supports the Integrated Sensor Suite (ISS) or other station, and features adjustable feet which enable mounting on level surfaces or roof peaks

For use with Davis’s wireless and cabled Vantage Pro2 weather stations, the Mounting Tripod simplifies installation. The tripod supports the Integrated Sensor Suite (ISS) or other station, and features adjustable feet which enable mounting on level surfaces or roof peaks


Galvanized Steel
Adjustable leg brackets
Adjustable height range: 36.38″ – 69.75″ (0.92 m – 1.77 m)
Mounting pole diameter: 1-5/16″

Tripod Assembly

Tools for Setup 

Adjustable wrench 
Compass or local area map 
Drill with 3/16" or 13/64" (5 mm) bit for the 1/4" lag screws 


Any metal object may attract a lightning strike, including your weather station or tripod. If lightning strikes your station or strikes somewhere nearby, the station's internal electronics may suffer anywhere between little to extensive damage. The station itself has been designed with considerable surge protection, but to safeguard nearby equipment and structures, we recommend following local recommendations on properly grounding your installation. 

Product Images