Matrikon OPC Smart Grid I2G

It is the future of electricity systems that connects all supply, grid and demand elements through an intelligent communication system

Matrikon OPC Smart Grid I2G

The Smart Grid encompasses a broad spectrum of technologies, forming the future of electricity systems by linking supply, grid, and demand components through a smart communication network. It is the future of electricity systems that connects all supply, grid and demand elements through an intelligent communication system. The success criterion for the smart grid initiative is ability to securely open connectivity between all of the current data sources and decision making points including homes and businesses utilities

To achieve a reliable and resilient Smart Grid, NIST established the SmartGrid Interoperability Panel (SGIP) to collaborate with industry, government, and consumers in developing essential standards, guided by the "NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards."

OPC UA is a key Smart Grid standard. The industry-to-Grid Domain Expert Working Group (I2G) offers expertise on interoperability challenges faced by industrial producers and consumers, focusing on IT and communication standards.

Join forces with Matrikon OPC to shape the future of the Smart Grid.

As an active participant in the industry-to-Grid Domain Expert Working Group (I2G), we are dedicated to improving OPC interoperability between industrial systems and the electric grid. Partner with us to ensure secure, seamless connectivity and help drive critical Smart Grid standards development

The I2G Domain Expert Working Group offers guidance on interoperability concerns for industrial producers and consumers, particularly regarding IT and communication standards.

Smart Grid Integration

Achieving interoperability requires a unified framework of interfaces, protocols, and standards. Widely adopted standards like OPC enable utilities to efficiently manage diverse renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, and better adapt to shifting demand.

Enabling Products

MatrikonOPC UA
MatrikonOPC Server for BACnet
Matrikon OPC Server for DNP
Matrikon OPC Server for IEC60870
Matrikon OPC Server for IEC61850

OPC UA for Smart Grid

OPC UA’s comprehensive and adaptable information model is built to handle Smart Grid requirements. It integrates with segment standards through OPC Servers like BACnet, DNP, IEC60870, and IEC61850. Additionally, OPC UA offers standardized connectivity to other common standards, such as Modbus, SNMP, and Johnson Controls, even if they aren’t specific to the Smart Grid. OPC UA is uniquely positioned to unify the 'interoperable grid.