Server for SCADA Modbus

Integrate SCADA systems with Modbus devices effortlessly.

Server for SCADA Modbus

Modbus devices have the best connectivity solution. Our Matrikon OPC Server for SCADA Modbus ensures smooth operation and prevents delays when any device fails. Even if some devices go down, this server handles multiple devices on a single communication channel, so you stay connected.

Matrikon OPC Server for SCADA Modbus connects seamlessly to Modbus-compliant devices such as PLCs, RTUs, DCSs, and more with Matrikon's OPC Server for SCADA Modbus. A large number of SCADA-connected Modbus devices can be managed efficiently by this powerful server. Matrikon's "OPC SCADA" technology aids this server in communicating with RTUs over unstable, noisy, slow, or low-bandwidth links. 

The server has been thoroughly tested with hardware from ABB, Emerson, Honeywell, Koyo, Schneider (Modicon), Triconex, Yokogawa, and many others. The Matrikon OPC Server for Modbus Edition is a great choice if you're connecting fewer devices and have reliable non-wireless connections. This version also uses MatrikonOPC's “SCADA” technology to handle challenging communication conditions. It is ideal for industries like pipelines, mines, oil fields, and utilities, where communication can be unreliable, noisy, slow, or expensive. This server supports both round-robin and demand polling of RTUs.

SCADA Modbus with OPC UA: Easily connect SCADA Modbus devices using either OPC specification or OPC UA with the Matrikon OPC UA Tunneller. This combination is perfect for projects involving mixed OPC UA and Classic OPC, ensuring continuous communication between Modbus and OPC UA applications.
Matrikon OPC Modbus Plant Edition: Designed for manufacturing, batch, or process plants, this edition connects to PLCs, DCSs, IEDs, analyzers, and other controllers through reliable mediums like Ethernet or serial cables.

Experience Unmatched Connectivity

Choose Matrikon’s OPC Server for SCADA Modbus for seamless integration with all your Modbus-compliant devices, including PLCs, RTUs, and DCSs. Our robust technology ensures reliable, real-time data integration even under the toughest conditions. Get started today!

The OPC Server for SCADA Modbus offers advanced polling features that manage device connections effectively. Disconnected devices are excluded from polling but are automatically re-added when they come back online.

Supported OPC Specs

OPC DA (OPC Data Access) 1.0a
OPC DA (OPC Data Access) 2.0
OPC DA (OPC Data Access) 2.05a
OPC DA (OPC Data Access) 3.0

Software Requirements

Microsoft Windows 7 SP0 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Microsoft Windows 10
Microsoft Windows 2003 R1 SP0 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Microsoft Windows 2003 R2 SP0 (32-bit and64-bit)
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (64-bit)
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP1 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 (64-bit)
Microsoft Windows Server 2016
Microsoft Windows Server 2019

Hardware Requirements

Intel CORE2 Duo Processor
80 GB 7200 RPM Hard Drive
Serial (RS232)
Serial (RS485)
Blue Hose

Features and Benefits

Designed specifically for remote telemetry applications, this OPC server excels in noisy network environments with its robust communication algorithms. It’s ideal for low-bandwidth networks like radio or satellite and supports various Modbus variations including Enron and Daniel.
The server accommodates Modbus TCP, RTU, and ASCII communication modes, and can handle both Modbus Master and Slave devices. It offers Stream or Datagram TCP, and Datagram UDP options for versatile connectivity. Advanced diagnostics are available with communication statistics, and you can connect via Ethernet, serial, radio, satellite, or dial-up modem.
Key features include precise control over polling times, a round-robin polling mechanism for multiple devices through a single gateway, redundancy functionality for multiple device paths, and load balancing with multiple installations on the same PC. It supports an unlimited number of slave Modbus definitions and implements Modbus functions 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 15, and 16.