Traffic Sign Remote Monitoring and Control

Efficient Traffic Management: Remote Monitoring for Safer Roads.

Traffic authorities have a problem: sign management over large areas gets expensive. These signs and lights are important traffic control devices that notify drivers of poor road conditions, slow or stopped traffic ahead, the need for snow tires and more. The most expensive way to do it is manually, i.e. driving an entire area to verify that signs are working as designed. With no remote monitoring or control of sign status, Departments of Transportation (DOTs) are left with few options other than to have road crews, police officers or snow plow drivers check on signs throughout very large regions often covering many thousands of miles of roadway.

Remote monitoring and control is a great solution, and one that needs to meet a few goals:

  • Reliability: it doesn’t help to install a solution that needs constant on-site troubleshooting or fails to deliver the needed feedback.
  • Affordability: traffic authorities have budgets and increases often require politics, public feedback, and more.
  • Ease-of-Use: not all system users are technical, so overly complex solutions reduce usefulness with DOT staff.


A reliable, affordable and easy solution can be found with ControlByWeb’s flexible I/O controllers, putting the data from each sign and light into one location where it can be understood and acted upon. Our solution is easy to implement, inexpensive to deploy and simplifies remote data acquisition and control for DOT employees.



Common Sign Management Problems
Inconvenient Monitoring
The growing number of traffic signs makes keeping track of every one difficult and unrealistic.
Typical low cost monitoring is usually unreliable, defeating the purpose of a control system.
Too Expensive
Low cost monitoring and control is often unreliable, costing more to maintain.



ControlByWeb™ Solutions 
Information is quickly and easily condensed into one browser on your phone or computer from anywhere in the world.
Reliable & Flexible
Reliability and flexibility are a number 1 priority, giving you peace of mind and the ability to adapt.
Cost Effective
Our high quality products don’t come with high price tags and fit well within a typical budget.