Grain Handling Systems

Engineering & Marketing International





Jennen Farm


West Central Minnesota


Increase yields, improve efficiency, and reduce costs in grain handling

Establish a speed-optimized and automated grain handling facility

Enhance safety measures by minimizing human proximity to heavy machinery


Time-sensitive nature of grain handling processes

Ensuring remote monitoring and control for various equipment

Maintaining safety standards while optimizing efficiency


Utilize ControlByWeb's X-600M platform for automation and remote control

Integrate a range of automated equipment, including IP cameras, conveyor belts, emergency stops, and more, for comprehensive control and monitoring

Established a digital presence with real-time data, reducing the need for on-site personnel


Enabled remote monitoring and control of critical measurements, grain bin levels, and equipment via the X-600M platform

Improved safety by keeping personnel at a safe distance, allowing operations without truck drivers leaving their vehicles

Resulted in long-term cost savings and maximized the farm's potential

Farmers throughout the world are learning how modern automation, control, & monitoring systems can increase yields, improve efficiency, and reduce costs

Tom Jennen of Fergus Falls, MN is one of them. His near 17.5-million-liter grain handling facility features state-of-the-art remote monitoring and controls that improve safety, save valuable time, and decrease labor costs.

For grain handling systems, time is critical. Getting the crop unloaded into the storage bins and loaded onto transport trucks quickly and safely is the name of the game. Tom Jennen, along with his sons Matt and Brent, have turned their grain facility into a speed-optimized pit stop reminiscent of the professional auto Tom has relied on ControlByWeb to make his dreams of an automated, safe, and efficient grain handling facility a reality.The automated facility is built around the X-600M platform, complete with a dashboard that shows critical measurements and a live camera view. With the CBW Mobile app on their phones, they can load and unload trucks with the push of a button from anywhere on the farm. The detailed measurements, grain bin level sensors, and the two IP cameras give them a digital presence at all times and saves them from hiring an employee to man the station.

Tom's list of automated equipment is impressive. With only a few exceptions, he has remote monitoring and control on nearly everything in his facility:

IP cameras
Conveyor belts
Belt alignment
Motor amps
Emergency stop
Bin level
Motion sensors
Temperature and humidity
Door state


Common Problems Solutions

Complexity - The farmer needed to implement a control system he could understand and operate without the need of a systems integrator

Safety- The farmer needed a solution that improved safety for his family, employees, and the truck drivers that collect the grain

Affordability - The farmer needed a solution he could afford with the small margins that come with commodity production

Simple systems - Our programmable I/O modules use simple menu systems to build out custom and powerful control logic without code

Reliable remote control - Our modules are carefully engineered for consistent, reliable, and independent performance that reduces failures and improves safety

Low cost industrials I/O - A big part of our mission is to make very capable industrial I/O that anyone can afford, making good automation more accessible