Lighting Control System

Engineering & Marketing International



Building and Construction


Parking Garage Lane




  • Enhance revenue for property owners in the parking garage industry
  • Provide 21st-century convenience for drivers through technological advancements
  • Streamline parking garage operations for improved profitability


  • Meeting the dynamic demands of rush hours in parking garages
  • Efficiently managing lane control to accommodate morning and evening traffic
  • Integrating a solution that automates the scheduling of lane lights
  • Ensuring simplicity and cost-effectiveness in the automation process


  • Integration of ControlByWeb's control system for automated lane control
  •  Commitment to simple solutions and low pricing for cost-effective development
  • Focus on innovation for customers and drivers, leveraging ControlByWeb's expertise in I/O solutions


  • Implementation of a cloud-based data acquisition and reporting system
  • Automation of lane control using ControlByWeb's solution
  • Improved operational efficiency with flex lanes based on schedule-driven demand
  • Faster parking experience for customers, contributing to overall customer satisfaction

What You Can Do

Lighting Schedules
Controlling lights based on a schedule is useful for nearly any commercial building but can also be useful in residences and other buildings or structures, like parking garages.

Manual Light Control
The simple act of controlling a manual input such as a switch or a button from a control panel is used to control lights in everything from sports complexes to churches.



Commonly Used In:

  • Stadiums
  • Security
  • Parking Garages
  • Sports Complexes & Stadiums
  • Office Buildings
  • Mosques

    And much more …


Common lighting automation problems

  • Expensive control systems - Lighting control systems get expensive, and often integrate with building automation systems installed in new construction. Retrofitted projects are very pricey
  • Simple solutions lack functionality - Most affordable I/O modules are overly simple and lack programmability, scheduling, and the flexibility needed to adjust to variable needs
  • Limited technical skills - Drop-in solutions can quickly become complicated when I/O modules or PLCs require coding skills to create a viable solution, which limits access to efficient controls

ControlByWebTM solutions

  • Inherent scalability - ControlByWeb devices are modular and affordable. Get the I/O you need for much less than a control system, but with comparable capabilities
  • Baked in functionality - We offer industrial-grade quality and advanced control functionality at a very low price point, including the ability to create conditional tasks, scheduling, and support for BASIC scripts
  • Simple task builder - Our devices are programmable with simple drop-down menus. All core functions are easy to setup with a basic understanding of networking. No coding required