Traffic Sign Remote Monitoring and Control

Engineering & Marketing International



Transportation and Urban Planning


Nevada DOT


Carson City, Nevada, USA


  • Streamline the management of digital traffic signs in remote areas
  • Minimize risks associated with manual inspections and maintenance
  • Decrease expenses related to fuel, time, and manpower


  • Inefficient and risky manual management of digital traffic signs
  • Difficulty in maintaining and compiling data from scattered sources
  • Lack of a feedback loop for remote communication


  • Use of ControlByWeb's 400 Series and X-600M products for remote, centralized monitoring &control
  • Implement a flexible data acquisition system to handle the growing population's increased need for digital traffic signs
  • Potential for easy installation and customization in similar situations globally


  • Over 300 signs easily monitored from a central command center
  • Use of X-410 and X-600M units for monitoring and controlling over 600 individual I/O
  • Implementation of automated traffic solutions, including a "Slow Down" sign triggered by a radar sensor
  • Reduction of unnecessary driving, ensuring employee safety
  • Significant reduction in man hours, leading to substantial cost savings

The implementation of a new monitoring system by NDOT has transformed the management of signs in a remote area. With over 300 signs now easily monitored through a single browser, the transition to cellular modems eliminated the need for individual network connections.
The X-410 and X-600M units in Gregg's fleet efficiently monitor and control over 600 I/O, facilitated by the user-friendly task builder. Troubleshooting is simplified, with quick access to ControlByWeb support. Automation features, including the integration of a radar sensor, enable the creation of fully automated traffic solutions, improving efficiency and safety.
The success in Nevada has prompted others to adopt similar systems globally, offering a streamlined approach to managing complex tasks from a centralized command center.



Reliability Leads to Safety and Efficiency


Common sign management problems

  • Inconvenient monitoring - The growing number of traffic signs makes keeping track of every one difficult and unrealistic
  • Unreliable - Typical low cost monitoring is usually unreliable, defeating the purpose of a control system
  • Too expensive - Low cost monitoring and control is often unreliable,
    costing more to maintain


ControlByWeb solutions

  • Convenient - Information is quickly and easily condensed into one browser on your phone or computer from anywhere in the world
  • Reliable and flexible - Reliability and flexibility are a number 1 priority, giving you peace of mind and the ability to adapt
  • Cost effective - Our high quality products don't come with high price tags and fit well within a typical budget